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Over a long period of time kit dynamoelectric three-wheeled cart storage battery, Be power t*e three-wheeled cart storage battery, its use requests to far and far want to want function Gao De Duo and start and choose that the three-wheeled cart storage battery wants according to its weight to the beginning than the common storage battery, pole plank thickness, Zu inside the storage battery, turn on electricity aspects like test,etc and judge, the three-wheeled cart storage battery belongs to and deeply refreshes and deeply turns on electricity series, the size is as just about as common car battery 100 AH, but three-wheeled cart storage battery although the size is getting *aller,the capacity didn't lower, have to have then a 120 AHs can make the three-wheeled cart have certain *urance, three-wheeled cart storage battery and fork car in the road storage battery use the concept is similar, all do dynamoelectric use, inner part structure and fork car the storage battery is almost similar, using and turning on electricity can not measure 100 of storage battery electricities and divide 100 and finish putting, have to make storage battery and owe and press a protection, this kind storage battery life span all between eight from month to a years, after expect to the supporting of three-wheeled cart storage battery to the p* importance, during the period of refreshing, the electric current can not can regulate according to the storage battery liquid specific weight and electric voltage execution over the 12 As.
如需了解更多关于牵引型、储能型、UPS应急电源、汽车起动型、发电机蓄电池相关信息  请登陆我司:https://www.ccsopower.com